The Uncomfortable Facts and an Innovative Solution

Why are most churches on a plateau or in decline and what can you do about it?

  • FACT: In most communities (particularly urban and suburban) about 50% of the residents didn't live in the same place 5-10 years ago.

  • FACT: New residents who used to go to church drop out 50% of the time when they move to a new community.

  • FACT: If your church isn't personally inviting formerly churched and unchurched people, they are highly unlikely to fill in the ranks of those who are moving away from your church.

You can make a difference!

FACT: Your church is likely to lose more people by attrition than you gain. It is risky business to passively hope people will find you on their own!

The HYHIY System Will Solve the Problem!

Here is a simple and fulfilling method to meet the need!

  • The system helps you find the people who are ready to be found.

  • The system moves away from "convincing people" to "identifying people" who are ready.

  • The system is a proven, efficient and systematic method to find people who will come to your church.

  • O-P-E-N People start off Oblivious to your church. The HYHIY system moves them to Pondering and over time (some sooner than others!) to Engaging with you. Once they are engaged some will see their Need and meet the Savior!

Start Learning Today!

Once you learn the system you will be eager to put it into action!

Start Today!

Limited Time Offer!

The course is great and getting greater because users are helping us make improvements. Take advantage of personal coaching during this final development phase!

Course curriculum

Less than 4 hours and you are good to go!

  • 1

    Welcome to the HYHIY course!

  • 2

    Chapter #1

    • Is there a new way to follow and fish?
    • Test your learning ...
    • Comments and suggestions ...
    • Especially for diggers ...
    • Test your learning ...
    • Comments and suggestions ...
    • Is there a new way to follow and fish? (PDF)
    • Especially for diggers ... (PDF)
  • 3

    Chapter #2

    • If I fish will I harvest a catch?
    • Test your learning ...
    • Comments and suggestions ...
    • Especially for diggers ...
    • Test your learning ...
    • Comments and suggestions ...
    • If I fish will I harvest a catch? (PDF)
    • Especially for diggers ... (PDF)
  • 4

    Chapter #3

    • Who's out there for me to reach?
    • Test your learning ...
    • Comments and suggestions ...
    • Especially for diggers ...
    • Test your learning ...
    • Comments and suggestions ...
    • Who's out there for me to reach? (PDF)
    • Especially for diggers ... (PDF)
  • 5

    Chapter #4

    • What will it do for people?
    • Test your knowledge ...
    • Comments and suggestions ...
    • Comments and suggestions ...
    • Especially for diggers ...
    • Test your knowledge ...
    • Comments and suggestions ...
    • What will it do for people? (PDF)
    • Especially for diggers ... (PDF)
  • 6

    Chapter #5

    • What am I supposed to do?
    • Test your knowledge ...
    • Comments and suggestions ...
    • Especially for diggers ...
    • Test your knowledge ...
    • Comments and suggestions ...
    • What am I supposed to do? (PDF)
    • Especially for diggers ... (PDF)
  • 7

    Chapter #6

    • What am I supposed to say?
    • Test your knowledge ...
    • Comments and suggestions ...
    • Especially for diggers ...
    • Test your knowledge ...
    • What am I supposed to say? (PDF)
    • Especially for diggers ... (PDF)
  • 8

    Chapter #7

    • What should I expect?
    • Test your knowledge ...
    • Comments and suggestions ...
    • Especially for diggers ...
    • Test your knowledge ...
    • Comments and suggestions ...
    • What should I expect? (PDF)
    • Especially for diggers ... (PDF)
  • 9

    Chapter #8

    • How does this really work long term?
    • Test your knowledge ...
    • Comments and suggestions ...
    • Especially for diggers ...
    • Test your knowledge ...
    • Comments and suggestions ...
    • How does this work long term? (PDF)
    • Especially for diggers ... (PDF)

Enroll Now!

Each lesson is self-paced and less than half an hour. You owe it to yourself and your church to take the course and put it into action.

Start Today!